Friday, October 1, 2010

The Halloween Countdown Begins!

The Purdy Pumpkin I carved and Flowered last Halloween!

Halloween has always been a festive holiday in my household... It always begins with planning a creative costume, carving a pumpkin and roasting the seeds, then decking the house out in spirited Halloween decorations. I have loved creating the festive outfits, enjoying them for the holiday, then sharing them with friends for future Halloweens. Even if you are not out trick-or-treating it does not mean that you have to miss out on the fun of dressing up! Below are some of my favorite costumes.

2 Peas in a Pod- 1st Halloween Costume!

Pooh-bear and Ballerina

Queen of Diamonds

Homemade Oreo

Woopie Cushion

Forest People

Beautiful Beehive

Homemade Peace Sign


  1. I love the pics!! -s

  2. this post brings oct 31 alive as a family

    get together with fun,love and sharing. a document

    of times past. not seen often in todays me me world



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