
Friday, December 28, 2012

Parsons Foundation Work

Dreaming in Color
Digital Self Portrait
32"X40" 2D Design
As my first semester of school comes to a close I wanted to share some of my favorite projects from the last few months.  My four studio classes this semester taught me more about the principals of design, and the importance of process and presentation that I could have ever imagined.  I was introduced to Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop in my 2 Dimensional Design class, and realize how powerful and useful those tools are.

I can't wait to see what the new year has in store for me!

Margo Isadora   

Dinosaur Drawing at the Museum of Natural History
18"X24" Drawing

Abstracted Dinosaur Bones
18"X24" Drawing

Honeycomb Inspired Sheet metal Polyhedron
8"X4"X3" 3D Design

Honeycomb Expanded, 3D Design

Volume Born from String
4"X4"X4" foam core and thread model, 
3D Design

Technical Drawing, 3D Design

Finished Plexi and Fishing Line Model, 3D Design

MIS Logo
4"X4" 2D Design

Child's Door Sign Design
10" Working from Basic Helvletica Font

2D Design

Self Portrait in Chelsea, 2D Design

Pentooled Portrait on Adobe Illustrator, 2D Design

Painted Grayscale Portrait, 2D Design

Collaged Portrait of a Textured Grayscale, 2D Design

See some of my past work here or here

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Benetton Pop Up Shop ~ A World of Color

The Art of Knit, the United Colors of Benetton Pop-Up-Shop in Soho, is a shopping experience like no other.  An old garage has been transformed into a space full of knit, color, and creativity. Walking into the store is an overwhelming and quite pleasing experience.  The iconic knitwear is displayed around karma sutra inspired figures which are wrapped in vibrant yarn, and displayed both throughout the store and up on the roof! The color coded vignettes are filled with awesome DIY treasures, yarn wrapped art, and interesting illustrations.  Be sure to visit this Benetton Pop-Up-Shop at 135 Crosby Street, in Soho through December 2012.  Learn more about the shop here.

After a long dark week in NYC, post Hurricane Sandy, I find that as life begins to return to normal it is important to find places of positivity and light in the city.  Creative spaces like these not only uplift us, but inspire us to spread this energy of hope and happiness to others, who are still in need.  Pass on the positive spirit that Benetton has encapsulated so well in their Soho shop.

Be well,

The Vibrant Store!

Ropes of Red

The Art of Knit : Karma Sutra

Grey Goodness

Flying Folks

Beautiful Blue

Yarn Table Awesomeness

Graphic Yarn Sculpture

An Inspiring Space!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Premiere of Ozwald Boateng's "A Man's Story"

Last Friday evening in the screening room of the trendy Crosby Street Hotel, in Soho, I was able to have a behind the scenes look at the premiere of "A Man's Story". This documentary chronicles the life and career of British menswear legend Ozwald Boateng.  This film explores Mr. Boateng's world of high fashion.  However, unlike many fashion films, "A Man's Story" portrays his life in a realistic way bringing up real issues of family and bankruptcy. As an aspiring fashion designer myself, it was very interesting to meet Mr. Boateng and hear more about his career and experience making the film.

Ozwald Boateng and I!
I had the pleasure of filming for reporter Jack Belisle, who is a very professional and experienced videographer ~ see his short films and work from the New York Film Festival on his YouTube Channel.

I hope Jack's video transports you to the premiere and gives you a better understanding of the talented, handsome, and inspiring designer, Ozwald Boateng.   

Margo Isadora

Jack Belisle Prepping for the Carpet
See the film in New York after November 2nd!

Friday, October 26, 2012

An Afternoon with Advanced Style!

Ari, Me, and two women in his book Carola Vecchio and Ilona Smithkin! 

Ari Cohen is not your average street style fashion photographer.  He is not out looking for the young trendy girls, instead he wanders New York searching for true personal style in the most fashionable and creative older ladies and gentlemen of the city. He believes that personal style advances with age, and he conveys this message through portraits and interviews of these incredible individuals on his blog Advanced Style.  

Ilona Smithkin
Check out those mile long lashes! 
Blind Contour Drawings I did this evening after meeting Ilona

As a longtime follower, it was an absolute treat to meet Ari and my favorite muse of his, Ilona Smithkin, today at Strand Bookstore in the West Village.  It was a small impromptu book signing, which was lovely as I got to chat with Ari and the attendees as well as hear Ilona's wonderful stories!   His blog is filled with unique individuals who I have always felt would be incredible to meet.  After meeting one, I now realize that the videos and pictures don't do justice to how inspiring these people really are. 

I met Tom, a wonderful artist and blogger at the event, see his post for more from the signing.

This video sums up what I love most about Advanced Style!

Ilona has had a whirlwind life, she spoke of her visits to Italy, her work as an artist, and even spoke in her native German with an attendee.  I asked her about her extravagant orange eyelashes, to which she responded that she had them made by a man in Paris for many years. When he passed away, she decided that she would try to make them herself!  After much patience, she has perfected them and has worn the same pair, made from her own locks, for the past 27 years!  There is much more to learn about this inspiring woman, watch her come to life through videos on Advanced Style!

Enjoy learning from these creative, youthful, and spirited souls!
~ Margo Isadora 

Ilona and I!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Yayoi Kusama at the Whitney

    Yayoi Kusama's current exhibition at the Whitney introduced me to one of the most interesting and talented artists that I have ever encountered.  Kusama's breadth of work, spanning from the 1940's to the present, has such incredible variety including  painting, sculpture, large scale installations and public art.  Kusama has lived in a psychiatric hospital, by her own decree, for the past 30 years, and continues to create.
    Kusama is known for her work with polka dots; from covering canvasses with white dots, to naked people in red dots, to her current large scale bright and graphic canvas paintings, each piece speaks volumes.  To pay homage to her my friend Piper, my grandma, and I wore polka dots when we visited the show a few weeks ago.  
    Each of us left with a different favorite period or piece of work, but all of us felt fortunate to know more about such an interesting woman after visiting the exhibit.  Upon exiting we each entered 'Fireflies on the Water' which was a meditative and eye opening experience.  This installation was inspired by a previous work of Kusama, and was a room of mirrors, with hanging strands of lights, and a small platform surrounded by water- where each of us got to spend a minute alone viewing ourselves amongst the endless abyss of lights, before we exited into the reality of the museum and the city.
    Piper gained her own inspiration from Kusama and shot an incredible self portrait series incorporating Kusama's signature red dots.  Let Kusama inspire you as well when you visit her exhibit at the Whitney through September 30,2012. This is one not to MIS!


Margo Isadora
Dot Girls
Dot Balls from the Opening Party
A visitor all decked out in dots...
(His pants have tiny white dots as well!)
I loved Grandma's dotted pants!
Kusama Herself!
A captivating Kusama print...

Photo from Online
Kusama in the exhibit with her most recent work.
Photo by Steve Eichner

"Fireflies on The Water"
Photo by Piper Martz
Piper Martz's Stunning Self Portrait Inspired by Kusama.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Project Runway Premiere Prep

Project Runway Rice Krispy Treats!
 The premiere of Project Runway is a much anticipated event at my house.  The promise of a new season with a creative competition filled with talented designers always inspires me.  To prep for our viewing party this evening (as Project Runway Premieres tonight on Lifetime at 9/8c) I made PR Rice Krispy Treats and PR Watermelon! Wanted to share these two easy DIYs that can make any party festive.  Hope you are watching Project Runway tonight ~ I'm looking forward to watching the designers "MAKE IT WORK!"

Margo Isadora

Project Runway Watermelon!

DIY : Cut your watermelon into large pennies
about an inch thick and then cut out the letters
you need with alphabet cookie cutters or carve
them with a knife.

PR Watermelon

Rice Krispy Treat DIY 
Supplies :
6 cups Rice Krispies, 1 bag Marshmallows, 3 Tbsp Butter
1) Melt butter, then melt marshmallows.
2) Once marshmallows are melted turn off
your burner and mix in the krispies!
3) Mix until combined.
4) Lay on wax paper and start to shape
your letters once they have cooled a bit!
I've tried PR for the premiere,
ART for an AP Art Party and
$ for the last day of Macro Economics!

Hope you enjoy tonight's Premiere at 9/8c on Lifetime!
Piper and I with our PR Treats!