
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Various Illuminations (of a Crazy World)

The Principles of Uncertainty by Maira Kalman was recommended to be by a good friend last year... I bought the book and devoured it. Mrs. Kalman's random illustrations and witty commentary seamlessly fit together in an unexpected way. When I found out there was a Maira Kalman exhibit at the Contemporary Museum of Art in San Fran this summer, I knew I had to go. It left me with the same wonder I experienced after reading her book. It was a perfectly arranged show that illustrated the haphazard life of a quirky genius. At the end of the exhibit there was a video of Kalman speaking at a conference. She spoke just like she illustrates. Her honest uncensored observations were so engaging... I now admire her as an illustrator and a person. Each drawing projects the voice and thoughts of Kalman and allows the viewer to step into her world and explore it! This is an exhibit you should be sure not to MIS; If you are not in San Fran no worries, It will be at the Jewish Museum in NYC March 11-July 31, 2011. Check it out @ http://www.thecjm.org/index.php?option=com_ccevents&scope=exbt&task=detail&oid=47 Kalman has illustrated many New Yorker covers and children's books!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A DIY Obsession!

I picked up 'P.S. i made this' at the MOMA in San Fran at the end of the summer; it is an excellent book that I simply could not pass up. Upon opening the book I was instantly inspired to create some of the chic DIY accessories. I further researched Erica Domesek, the creative genius behind the book and found that she has a site too! http://psimadethis.com/ ... check it out, it is similar to her book, just with some different projects. I love how she translates her high-end trend boards to affordable DIY accessories/apparel. I chose to make some great 'magazine paper jewel earrings' and a whimsical 'bouncy ball and stocking necklace' on Sunday afternoon. I wore them to school and got great feedback! Be sure not to MIS this one... get inspired and make you own DIY masterpiece!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chic Dolls @ Fashion's Night Out!

The city was abuzz last night as many traveled into NYC to visit their favorite stores and celebs. My mom and I ventured into the city to check out the events for Fashion's Night Out at some great shops. Our 1st stop was in the Meatpacking district we visited Anthropologie, DVF, Charles Nolan and Trina Turk. (We met Trina and she was lovely!) Our next stop was Soho where we attempted to meet the Project Ruway designers at the Piperlime pop-store and Tim Gunn at Kate Spade but unfortunately the lines were to long! Isabel Toldeo was at Payless but of course it was mobbed as well...
Our last stop of the evening was at Barneys, who had events on each floor all evening. Barney's had commissioned Andrew Yang to make replicas of the Vouge fashion queens, Anna Wintour and Grace Coddington... along with other dolls outfitted in replicas of designer dresses. Loved each one, great expressions and gorgeous clothing! Snapped some shots of Yang's work, Enjoy!

Margo Isadora

Monday, September 6, 2010

Incredible Public Art- SF

Hello... I've been enjoying my last days of summer in San Francisco, so sorry I have not posted in a bit. Wanted to share the beautiful murals and art that I stumbled upon in San Fran. I loved the expressive and incredible creations that lined the streets of the city. I was amazed with how much care was put into the public spaces and alleyways. Remember to keep your eyes open, as you never know what is around the corner!

Margo Isadora